Travel and tourism are the largest service industries globally, generating significant gross revenue and foreign exchange earnings. They are also among the world’s leading employment generators. As catalysts for job creation, poverty alleviation, and sustainable human development, tourism promotes international understanding and supports local handicrafts and cultural activities.

The tourism sector offers a vast scope of employment opportunities, with potential still largely untapped. Career prospects exist in both the public and private sectors. In the public sector, opportunities abound in the Departments of Tourism at the central and state levels.

In the private sector, qualified tourism professionals can find opportunities with travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, hotels, transport companies, cargo firms, and more. As a relatively new area of employment, the sector has a high demand for qualified and experienced individuals, offering rapid promotion prospects. With experience, one can even start their own business, managing all aspects of travel for clients and expanding over time.

MKITM is an institution that “opens the doors to a bright future.” We provide specialized education and skills training tailored to the tourism industry. As a pioneering institute under the aegis of Uttar Pradesh Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh, MKITM features highly qualified faculty and excellent hostel facilities for candidates. We offer a positive environment that fosters academic excellence and professional growth.


To transform into a place of education excellence, training, research and to produce excellent quality human resource for serving the nation.


The holistic development of an individual is attained through academic excellence, professional competence, personal, inter personal and social skills. The college is committed to its mission and vision in all its endeavors. Holistic development involves our efforts to develop each and every candidate of our institute professionally as well as intellectually.